Evil mnt back: causes of pain in the lower back, what to do

A lot of people the sign of this kind of symptom, as an "evil dem back". Usually, the discomfort bind with a variety of diseases of the spine, but in practice it often turns out to be that of reason in the other. Often, the pain in the lower back occurs in women at the end of the pregnancy, such as the spine undergoes more pressure than usual.

The cause can also be various diseases of internal organs, degenerated-degenerative changes in the bone-cartilaginous device of the lower back, etc, unless practicing a way of life, the working conditions in professional sport, obesity can cause pain in the lower part of the spine.

The low back pain the doctors call the term "lumbodynia". This is a phenomenon that is characterized by the appearance and disappearance of the pain. Some patients spend a short treatment, and do not know of most of the discomfort, others need to be treated months and even years. In order to identify the exact cause of the pain in the lower back, you need to pass an exam, first in the therapist, and following the direction of the – in the specialists.

The reasons

Most often the lower back pain is a symptom of a variety of musculoskeletal diseases. Often the unpleasant feeling of disturbing people who spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car, engaged in the physical work heavy, burden himself in the gym. In the risk group are pregnant women or women who have recently given birth.

Of the disease, accompanied by pain in the lower back

Pain in the back at the bottom may indicate disease such as osteochondrosis or spondiloarthrosis. It's called the primary causes of the pain, related to both functional and morphological changes of the spinal column.

Among the secondary causes of low back pain include:

  • the tumor processes at the level of the vertebrae, the spinal cord;
  • trauma to the vertebrae;
  • the infectious process in the intervertebral discs and the vertebrae;
  • metabolic bone (osteoporosis, osteomalacia);
  • the inflammatory disease non-infectious etiology (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis);
  • sharp hemodynamics (for example, when cerebral);
  • growth disorders;
  • gastro-intestinal disease (exo during acute appendicitis, bowel obstruction);
  • diseases of the kidney (for kidney stones of the pain in the rear the front page, most often to the right);
  • diseases of the pelvic organs.
the pain in lower back

Therefore, the cause of the pain is not always lies in musculoskeletal injuries. If the pain is caused by an alteration of the function of internal organs, it is irradiating nature. In addition, in men, the sore back in the bottom of the spine at the chronic prostatitis, the prostate cancer, although this symptom is not always mandatory.

The pain may appear after a long walk, suggesting stenosis of the spinal canal. The disease manifests itself in the form of a syndrome of intermittent claudication. Person, outside of this, complains of cramps and pains in the muscles when walking. In the elderly develops such a condition, such as polymyalgia rheumatica. First of all you are experiencing moderate pain, then the sensation of stiffness in the hands or feet.

The most common cause of pain below the kidney, in the right-hand side, to the left or in the centre, is low-back pain. - Tools, methods of research, we can then identify the different degenerate-changes in spinal post. The space between the discs of the spine gradually decreases, and subsequently develops an imbalance in the structure of the entire spine.

This leads to pain in the lower back, which are located to the left or to the right or go on the road to the crest.

Another source of back pain are intervertebral hernia. When they reached, the pressure of nerve roots occurs quite strong, pain, in front of which the early stages can help steroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The sign of an unfavorable outcome is lumbodynia, which is manifested by a spectrum of a variety of symptoms. Pain during the course of the nerve root may give in the buttocks and the feet. The discomfort appears when the slopes (even if you tilt the head down), laugh, cough, etc syndrome the Pain intensifies when lifting lying on the back, a straight leg.

How to manifest as back pain

The symptoms of pain in the back door of the versatile character and is dependent on your condition. When the traction of the pain is manifested by spasms of movement during this limited. Syndrome the pain radiate to the buttocks, the back of the thighs. The patient is difficult to bend, make bends of the hull. In case of damage of the nerve roots, pain give in the lower part of the body, may be problems of sensitivity, numbness.

Osteochondrosis symptoms are gradually. First of all, the pain concerned on the one hand, the nature of his is not expressed. To measure the evolution of the pathological process pain become more and more strong, the more difficult order by painkillers, to a wide place. After a long stay in a pose the pain is throbbing nature.

When the defeat of the kidneys, the pain appears not in the lower back, and at the level of the 12th pair of ribs. However, when renal colic pain syndrome radiate to the bottom, on the route of the ureter, gives back to the adductors. The pain at this unbearable, very strong, the pain killers don't help. Hallmark – front of the location.

The diagnosis

Why the evil of the lumbar area, may be defined by a doctor. In no case should not self-diagnosis and self-medication. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the complaints of the patient, the clinical manifestations, data anamnestiques, the results of instrumental methods of studies. The patient is prescribed an x-ray, myelography, MRI, CT scans and other types of investigations.

The tomography is very effective and informative means of identifying the various structural changes in the spine caused by trauma, infectious diseases, tumor processes of training, osteoporosis and other diseases. According to the myelography is the application of contrasting substance. Method is used in case of suspicion of stenosis of the spinal canal, herniation, tumors, and other pathological processes in the spine.

the spectrometry of back


What if the back pain may mean that a licensed technician. Tactics of treatment depends on the underlying cause of the pain. Must not be the only one to take pain relievers, because they only give a temporary effect (and in some diseases, while in fact), "grease" the clinical picture and worsen the pathological process of what the person is constantly removing the pain, postpone a visit to the doctor.

The main principle of treatment – the treatment is not pain as such, and its causes. Thus, osteochondrosis requires a set of measures. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, when this disease is considered as a symptomatic treatment in the period of the solstice. These drugs include Diclofenac, Nimésulide and others, but they have a number of contraindications (eg, stomach ulcer).

You can also apply ointments nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In some instances, require anti-inflammatory steroids. The main activities are conducted outside of the aggravation, and are concluded in the course of gymnastics, during therapeutic massage, the organization of the regime of the day and nutrition.

Also appointed physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc Outside of the worsening, doctors recommend engaging in a therapy gym. This is the best way to strengthen the back, relieve tension and muscle spasms. Sport medicine is a complex (LFK) is necessarily included in the program of prevention of back pain.

The lesson is best performed under the supervision of an instructor, but a few simple exercises you can perform at home:

  • Lie on the back, the hands pull along the body, legs slightly bent in the knee joints. The feet of reject in the right-hand side, in the body and the head, turn slightly to the left (the most important thing – do not overdo it). At the end of five seconds to return to the starting position, you repeat the same thing with the other side. Only ten repetitions.
  • Standing on the knees, the hands to lean on the chair. Fold the back upwards, and then the maximum bend. Do ten repetitions.
  • Lie on the back, the legs straighten. Lift the right leg about 20 cm from the ground, hold the appearance of fatigue. The same thing done with the left foot. Do five repetitions for each leg.

A good effect giving a massage, and manual therapy. These procedures are performed by a qualified technician. Poor implementation, the breach of a technician driving can cause substantial damage. During a session of chiropractic treatment by a specialist of the hand pass through the entire region of the back, affecting at different levels (fascia, bone structure, etc).

A particular attention is given to the neural level. The specialist has a direct impact on neurons by palpatory manipulation. A physiotherapist is capable of braking or acceleration of the neurons of the chain. Recently, increases in the popularity of acupuncture. The course consists of several procedures and aims to reduce the pain and miorelaksatsiyu.

In the presence of excess weight is expected to enter feed mode. Preference should be given to plant life, and low calorie content of the food. The protein accounts for one-third of the daily ration. You can eat lean fish, poultry, meat, eggs. Also proteins in the legumes, the buckwheat, mushrooms, nuts (with them, it is important not to overdo it). Fats should consume unsaturated (lamb, white fish, nuts, vegetable oils).

In the case of illness of the system osteo-articular, play an important role in vitamins A and D. Vitamin A is found in greens, onions, vegetables, yellow and orange, oil of fish, liver, yolks. Vitamin D is synthesized under the effect of the best. You can also get small amounts of milk, butter, egg yolks, cod-liver, calves. For bone health, it is necessary to consume adequate amount of phosphorus (the its, lettuce, cabbage, cheese, fish) and calcium (liver, cheese, eggs, nuts, cabbage).

the pain-back

In the presence of pain in the back it is best to consult a therapist, who, on the basis of the data collected, to determine with more tactics. The presence of diseases of the internal organs of the patient passes through a number of studies and heads towards the specialized. The main rule, which must assimilate all of the patients – no medication, in all events, painful in a timely manner to contact a specialist.